A Child’s Christmas

for orchestra

Are you looking for something a little different for your Christmas concert?  A CHILD’S CHRISTMAS is a fun piece in six short movements, which incorporates a number of well-known Christmas tunes.  Although written to appeal to young people – with such favourites as Jingle Bells, Little Jesus, sweetly sleep, The Birds’ Carol, Away in a Manger, and the Huron Carol – I hope it will be enjoyed by people of all ages.

It has a particularly rollicking finale, based on ‘We wish you a merry Christmas’ and a reprise of ‘O come, little children’, with which the piece opened. The whole piece lasts about 9′ 30″, but the individual movements may be performed separately.

A CHILD’S CHRISTMAS is scored for orchestra (2,2,2,2; 2.2; timps, perc., harp & strings). A recording by the Royal Ballet Sinfonia, conducted by Gavin Sutherland has recently been released by Heritage Records [HTGCD139] – and is also available on streaming services and YouTube.

SKU: GTT-013 Category: Instrumentation:


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